Thursday, 29 May 2008

Weld, Woad or Madder? Natural Dyeing Day

Greetings - again!

I am holding a Dyeing Saturday School on 19th July 2008. I've attached my poster. Please deduct ~10% if you are SCA! (ie £46 not £52). Yes, it is a bit expensive, but much of this goes to the Inn keeper for his lunch - usually jolly good. A more civilised part to an otherwise slightly primitive day :-D

The observant may note that the poster (click to enlarge) features a sample of work by Racaire of Austria (by permission) who is coming to ID for the Coronation in June and also a few days either side. Free advert for her, too, and richly deserved - do look at her blog.

Do take a look, too, at my website (a freebie, Weebly one): .

If you cannot get to this dye-day, feel free to ask me any questions about dyeing by e-mail or on this blog. I've now made a special note / bookmark so no excuses not to look/contribute more often. I hope to be at the Coronation in June but I don't intend to be teaching this time - I'm hoping to learn, instead!



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