Saturday, 27 December 2008

Keeping Warm!

As the good Lady Melisende suggested, I have been keeping warm this week by keeping busy. Last month I warped my brand new Kromski harp with Green Shetland Wool. I warp 1.5" and 3 yards for a new apprentice belt. I have woven approximately 10" so far. I need to have the entire lenght done in the next few weeks as someone will be working on this loom at the Tapestry Weaving Workshop!

I did not weave for very long today, as I spent a lot of time transfering my weaving bookmarks into a Google Notebook. I am trying to figure out how to post the notebook on my purple lotus site. Until then anyone who would like to reference my weaving bookmarks can view the book here . I still have some other links that I compiled for the ID A&S site that I will be adding to this page over the next few days.

I hope to see what other members of the group have been up to soon! Thanks to Melisende for the fabulous Newsletter and to all those who have been keeping us up to date on their own projects.


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