Saturday, 22 March 2008

Member List!

Here is our first membership list! Please check that your information is correct. Let me know if I've made any errors please let me know, especially if you've e-mailed me and are not on this list!

Member List:
1)Jahanarabanu Vivana (Flintheath) Interests: Tablet Weaving, Rigid Heddle Weaving, Tapestry Weaving, 4 & 8 Shaft Table/Floor Loom Weaving, Embroidery, Dying and 7th C Persian Costuming
2) HE Siubhan (Flintheath) Interests: Tablet Weaving (including Brocade), Rigid Heddle Weaving (including Brocade), Kumihimo, Embroidery, 7th C Persian Costuming
3) Lady Estrid (Harpelstane) Interests: weaving - tablet weaving, inkle, rigid heddle, cloth (table and floor loom), twills, pick-up and overshot patterns, etc. Sewing, embroidery, costuming-making - mostly early
4) HE Sagadis (Epalheimer) Interests: Tablet Weaving, Wall Loom Weaving, Floor Loom Weaving
5) Elk Deerslayer (Glen Rathin) Interest: Embroidery, knitting, weaving
6) Gilbere du Chateau la Mer (Dun in Mara) Interests: Textiles
7)Jenny of Cranbrook (??) Interests: Dying

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